Business Administration and E-Business

The educational goal of the program is to prepare highly qualified specialists who can combine serious theoretical training with the skills and experience to analyze, implement and develop e-business solutions.

It provides knowledge of the theoretical and practical foundations of the implementation of business models that are at the heart of e-business.

Education format: Distance learning

Study duration: 1,5 year (3 semesters)

Language: Bulgarian

ECTS credits: 75 ECTS


The “Business Administration and E-Business” program includes refined and practice-relevant modules of disciplines. They are selected in accordance with the modern national needs and European requirements in the field of business administration, building on the knowledge of the students, logically presented and appropriately distributed in three semesters. The high-quality education is provided by highly qualified lecturers and specialists, which guarantees successful realization on the labor market of the graduates of the master’s program in accordance with the goals and mission of IBS to create competitive specialists at the international level. Interactive methods, combined with multimedia presentations, discussions, course projects, case studies, etc., are widely used in the learning process. We offer a supportive academic environment that tolerates equality. We provide opportunities for students to join teams to work on projects for scientific and practical research.

The Master’s program in “Business Administration and E-Business” shares the priorities and reflects the strategic goals and tasks of IBS, related to educational and research activities. The program complies with the regulatory framework and requirements of NEAA for training in the Master’s degree program, with the Higher Education Act, the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) and the regulations of IBS. The program is implemented and administered through developed educational documentation and curricula, aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills, and building personal and professional competencies, in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework of the Republic of Bulgaria, the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and the Qualifications Framework in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

Compulsory courses

  • Quantitative methods in management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Digital transformation of business
  • Occupational and organizational psychology
  • Online marketing research
  • Project management
  • E-commerce and omnichannel
  • Digital business systems
  • Master’s seminar

Elective courses

  • Customer Relationship Management/Social Media Marketing
  • Web metrics and digital campaign planning/Internet advertising and sales


Facultative courses

Any course offered by the other Master’s programmes


Master’s Thesis/State Exam


  • Business models in the digital environment
  • Entrepreneurship in the context of digitization and digital transformation of business
  • Corporate governance and sustainable development of e-business
  • Planning and conducting effective marketing campaigns


  • Analyzing changes in the modern business environment
  • Organizing and managing e-business
  • Using information technology as a decision-making tool
  • Planning, creating, and implementing strategies for sustainable development of e-business
  • E-business expert in marketing departments and companies
  • Consultant on digital business organization in the banking and financial sector
  • Research and consulting activities
  • Entrepreneurial activity

Successful graduates of the program receive a higher education diploma with a “Master” degree and a European diploma supplement, valid and recognized worldwide.

Successful graduates in MA program “Business Administration and E-Business” can continue their studies in a PhD program.