Address of the Rector of IBS on the occasion of the National Awakening Day
Dear colleagues, students, and friends,
The NATIONAL AWAKENING DAY is not just an official holiday where we pay tribute to the memory of the great Bulgarians who led our nation to enlightenment, national freedom, and a distinctive culture in the past.
The NATIONAL AWAKENING DAY is also a celebration of all those who today, modestly, daily, and devotedly continue the enlightening mission.

To be an AWAKENER is a calling. It is not a pose, a profession, or just an ordinary job, but an extraordinary state of being illuminated by the goodness and the light of dedicating oneself to the selfless and inspiring cultivation of elevated human values. It is about caring and lovingly introducing children and young people to the bright cultural ideals of our nation, setting an example for emulation, and guiding through difficult and trying times towards a more meaningful and satisfying future.

Because of all this – deep bow to the ones who were once and heartfelt blessing to today’s Bulgarian enlighteners because the future of our children and our sacred Homeland depends on their work!
Prof. Dr. Georgi Apostolov
Rector of the International Business School