
Educational Degrees

In the field of Economics, Administration and Management, Tourism


Full-time, part-time and distance learning


Full-time, Part-time and Distance learning


Full-time, part time and independent learning. 

Useful information

For all prospective students

European Diploma Application

Your diploma – your ticket to the world!                

Scholarships and awards

Every student has the opportunity to apply for scholarships and awards.

International student mobility

With the “Erasmus +” program, you can spend part of your studies abroad.

Financial Help

Student loans are granted under the Student and PhD Student Loans Act.

Student Council

The Student Council at IBS is a body for the protection of the common interests of students.

Career Development Center

It supports students on the way to their dream career realization.

Students' Dormitories

Located in a communicative location, with quick access to the campus.

Study in Bulgaria - A Guide for International Students

Bulgaria is increasingly popular among international students.