2018-1-BE01-KA201-038551 (18PE0002) BEYOND APPARENT STEREOTYPES
2018-1-BE01-KA201-038551 (18PE0002) BEYOND APPARENT STEREOTYPES
2018-1-BE01-KA201-038551 (18PE0002) BEYOND APPARENT STEREOTYPES
Programme: Erasmus+KA2
Duration: 01/09/2018 – 31/08/2021
Lead Partner: Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
Partners: Vrije Universiteit Brussells, International Business School, Botevgrad, Bulgaria, 127 Secondary school Ivan Nikolaevich Denkoglu , Sofia, Bulgaria, The Research Centre for Migration Studies (CER-M) Barcelona, Institut Escola La Mina, Barcelona, Spain, 2nd Lyceum of Vrilissia, GO! atheneum Unescoschool Koekelberg, Belgium
Target group: 15-16 years young people at secondary school level from different culture Project’s objectives: One of the key questions in our times is how the European societies characterized by a growing diversity can promote (European) citizenship and tolerant attitudes towards ‘others’ in a way that does not stigmatize or misrecognize cultural identities. The core objective of the project is to lower apparent cultural stereotypes. This is causally related to the need for a transnational approach. In addition to the positive and constructive cognitive experience, the mobility of youngsters contributes to the shaping of a sense of place and a European identity. This allows the building of bridges encompassing geographical and cultural boundaries.
The objective of the project is therefore to develop intercultural competences and skills among young people at secondary school level that are still in the impressionable years (12-24). The aim of BAS is to tackle and surpass the existing stereotypes and to lower prejudice. The best way of doing so is to immerse the students in another cultural context
Project activities: Building intercultural skills and competencies teaches students to analyze people as distinctive and multifaceted individuals and to go beyond natural stereotypes and clichés. The progress of participants views will be explored through a three-phase research that will take place before, during and after the implementation of the intercultural exchange trips.
Four intercultural exchange trips in Athens, Barcelona, Brussels, Sofia will be implemented during the lifespan of the project. Students from the four cities will be visiting and get to know another city and the local students. Based on the experience of the trips and the results of the research the given toolbox will be developed closer to the end of the project’s lifespan.
Projects results and outputs:
Toolbox: The BAS toolbox will be elaborated with aims to provide schools with the needed capacity for organising and implementing cultural exchange school trips. It will be divided in four, distinctive but closely related to each other parts, and will include a set of recommendations based on the BAS experience. The final product will be made available through the BAS website in 2021 and it will include a static version and an online version.
Practical Guide: Provides a clear outline of the three phases of the organisation and the implementation of the trip and provides a set directions for each phase.