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The layout requirements for manuscripts submitted to the publication have been developed in accordance with the BDS standard ISO 690-2021 (Harvard system). The present examples use a consistent system of punctuation and typographical layout.

IBS Publishing House and the Editorial Board of  “ECONOMIC GROWTH, BUSINESS PERSPECTIVES, MARKET POSITIONING IN TIMES OF CRISIS”  follow the guidelines of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for good practices in the publication process. The publishing house of IBS invites its authors to familiarize themselves with the guidelines of the European Association of Scientific Editors related to the presentation of research data by gender – SAGER Guidelines.

For authors

  • The conference proceedings “ECONOMIC GROWTH, BUSINESS PERSPECTIVES, MARKET POSITIONING IN TIMES OF CRISIS” accepts only papers submitted solely to it. 
  • With the submission of the manuscript, the Author agrees to declare any Conflict-of-Interest.

Preparation and format of the manuscript:

SECTION I: Abstract 

The abstract is sent with the request to participate in the conference in Bulgarian and in English through the registration form. (150 – 200 words)


  • Manuscripts should be prepared using a standard word processing program.
  • The size of reports for Conference proceedings should not exceed 15 standard pages.
  • All the appendixes in the form of graphs, tables, illustrations and others should be suitable for reading and attached as a separate file in machine-readable format (.png или .jpeg)
  • Specific text formatting (underlining, use of bullets, or tabbing) is not encouraged, except for the layout of tables and other relevant graphics.
  • The paper should be prepared for a double-blind peer review procedure, e.g. the first page’s content is the author’s information, incl.: the name of the author/authors, personal scientific identifier (ORCID ID), name of the institution the author belongs to, corresponding address and email address. 

  • The second page contains the following information: abstract, title, abstract between 150-200 words,  JEL classification, 3 to 6 keywords.


  • If the main text is not in Latin, in this section there are two paragraphs listing the literature used in the original and a second section in Latin (References). For this purpose, Cyrillic sources can be transliterated.
  • The use of transliteration is allowed in the case where the original Cyrillic source does not indicate an official title in English.
  • The transliteration of sources is carried out on the basis of the current standard BDS ISO 9:2001. BDS ISO 9:2001.


  • Journal article


VODENSKA, M. 2019. Tourism Impacts in Bulgarian National Resorts. Research Papers, vol. 11, 68-112. ISSN 1313-0846

  • Such a source is cited in the text as: (Vodenska 2019); Vodenska (2019) 
  • Journal article with more than one author

EDIN, P-A., P. FREDRIKSSON, M. NYBOM, and B. ÖCKERT. 2022. The Rising Return to Noncognitive Skill. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics14(2), 78-100. Available from: [viewed 2022-05-12].


EDIN, P-A. (et al.). 2022. The Rising Return to Noncognitive Skill. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics14(2), 78-100. Available from: [viewed 2022-05-12].

  • Such a source is cited in the text as: (Edin, Fredriksson, Nybom, Öckert 2022); Edin, Fredriksson, Nybom, Öckert (2022) or (Edin et al. 2022); Edin et al. (2022)
  • Books

RIBOV, M. 2021. New technologies. The next generation. Sofia: UNWE. ISBN 978-619-232-511-4.

or RIBOV, M. 2021. Novite tehnologii. Sledvashtoto pokolenie. Sofia: UNWE. ISBN 978-619-232-511-4.

  • Such a source is cited in the text as: (Ribov 2021); Ribov (2021); (Ribov 2021: 59) 
  • Translated literature

BAARD, H.P. 1981. Frans Hals. Translated from Dutch to English. George STUYCK (trans.). London: Thames and Hudson. ISBN 978-0-500-09150-0

  • Online source available through subscription-based platform/database (“Paywall”) or with a level of restriction

The listed references that are available through a subscription-based platform/database must be written following the standard and additionally stating the level and kind of access restriction [paywall]//.

CARLSON, A. & Barbara M. POPE. 2009. The “Big Deal”: A survey of how libraries are responsible and what the alternatives are. Online. The Serials Librarian57(4), 380-398. Available from: [paywall]. [viewed 2022-05-15].

MAHER, D. 2019. New tendencies in ecology. Online. New York: Backstone Publishing, ISBN 896-8-4125-1234-5. Available from: EBSCOhost. [paywall].

Online newspapers and journals

PAUL, K. 2024. Is the UK really preparing to ban TikTok? Online. The Guardian. ISSN 1756-3224. Available from: [viewed 2024-03-14].

In text: (Paul 2024) or Paul (2021)


Internet forum. Online [2020-06-21]. In: Wikipedia (distributor). Wikimedia foundation. Available from: [viewed 2024-03-14]

*For every other case, that is not highlighted in these Guidelines, Authors should refer to the accepted standard BDS ISO 690-2021. In case of transliteration, the Authors should refer to the current standard BDS ISO 9:2001.