Code of Ethics

The educational, research and public activities at IBS and the relationships between the members of the academic community are subordinated to generally accepted values and moral principles.
IBS shares the understanding that contribution to the public good is possible only through the joint efforts of its members under shared principles of professional and human ethics.

General principles

The Code of Ethics defines the ethical standards at IBS, both for the academic community and students, as well as for the school’s employees.

The teachers, students, employees and graduates of IBS are expected to adhere to the principles of the code of ethics and contribute with their behavior to the establishment of the good name of the school.

Each member of the academic community and school staff:

  1. strictly complies with the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Regulations of IBS;
  2. uses his academic rights and academic freedom, respecting the moral principles and rules, observes this code and the rules of academic conduct;
  3. shares the understanding of protection and observance of basic human rights, preservation of human dignity, personal honor and good name of everyone, as well as recognition of the right to one’s own opinion, freedom of scientific research and tolerance of different understandings;
  4. respects and observes the principles of collegiality and academic cooperation;
  5. recognizes freedom of speech, the right to critical thinking, individual approaches to scientific research, the free exchange of ideas and information;
  6. correctly offers alternative views and is positive when presenting critical opinions;
  7. defends the vision, mission and policy of the Ministry of Education and Culture;
  8. with his behavior contributes to the good name of the business school;
  9. acts as a good steward of the business school’s property; does not use its resources for personal gain or for the benefit of third parties;
  10. does not take actions leading to a conflict of interest and promptly prevents the possibility of such a conflict arising;
  11. denies discrimination on the basis of race, ethnic origin, ideology, religious beliefs, age, gender, sexual orientation, physical disabilities, social origin or financial situation;
  12. supports efforts to create conditions for the active participation of disadvantaged people in the academic community;
  13. uses his full potential and applies adequate efforts in his teaching, research and public activities for the sake of the prosperity of the business school; constantly improves his knowledge and skills and shares them with members of the academic community;
  14. when assigned additional commitments, such as a member of an academic body or leadership function, fulfills his duties with a full understanding of the increased responsibilities and strict compliance with this code;

Pedagogical activity

The teacher:

1. Treats students fairly, fairly, collegially and openly. It does not allow disrespect to the person and pressure.

2. With his behavior, he is an example for the students.

3. In evaluating the results of the training, it acts fairly and transparently.

4. Does not abuse his teaching authority or position. He does not require students to take action in his personal interest and does not appropriate the results of their work.


5. They follow the rules of academic integrity and do not allow plagiarism.

6. They follow the rules for the organization of the educational process and have correct and honest behavior in the control of the results of their educational activity,
research and creative activity.

They follow the rules for the organization of the educational process and have correct and honest behavior in the control of the results of their educational activity.
Research and creative activity

Teachers and students:

1. The principles of teamwork and professional discourse follow. Communicate openly and substantively the research problems using correct argumentation and do not allow disrespect to the results of the activity of others.

2. They tolerate different scientific views and approaches, as well as the pluralism of scientific and creative disciplines.

3. They treat their colleagues with measured criticality, which they also use when evaluating their own scientific and creative results.

4. When carrying out research and creative activity, they apply the latest achievements in the relevant scientific field, being responsible for the adequacy, accuracy and objectivity of the methods used. They take care of the complete description of the data and researched materials, as well as the standard ways of their protection and archiving. They provide opportunities to check the results. Adhere to the specific ethical principles for the relevant field.

5. Comply with the principles and norms of copyright protection, both with respect to their own results and with respect to the results of others. They indicate their affiliation to the Ministry of Education and Culture when presenting and publishing the results of research activities. They publish their results correctly and ethically in established and generally accepted scientific publications and online platforms.

6. Research team leaders refrain from autocratic management methods and are open and fair in communication with team members. Prevent conflicts, unfair competition and discussions caused by demands to meet deadlines, internal competition and expected results.

7. When requesting an expert opinion, review, opinion and other assessments of scientific and creative activity, they are treated with full responsibility, impartiality, objectivity and in the context of the current level of knowledge. They do not allow purposeful distortion or influence in favor of external interests. In the evaluations, they use standard criteria, reasoned approaches, and they are responsible for the final evaluations with their professional reputation.

8. If during the implementation of the research activity it is necessary to carry out activities in which there is a possible risk associated with adverse legal consequences, then they are carried out professionally, with continuous evaluation, increased attention and in strict compliance with legal norms and prescriptions

Ethics Committee

An Ethics Committee is established to resolve problems and to comply with the Code of Ethics.
The Ethics Committee resolves all admissible cases under the Code of Ethics and proposes them for approval to the Academic Council of the MVBU.
The Academic Council proposes to the Rector the sanction decisions.