Quality Managment System
Quality Assurance Policy
The activities of the International Graduate School of Business are subordinated to the vision of building a recognizable brand of valuable education capable of qualitatively changing the lives of our students, alumni and faculty.
By ensuring and maintaining high quality teaching and research, in a world of dynamic economic, technological and social change, we develop individuals with creative and independent critical thinking, able to develop at national, European and global level. Our activity is based on shared values, such as respect and appreciation of the traditions of Bulgarian education, the application of international experience in modern business education, the symbiosis between fundamental general business education and practical training in specialized international programs.
Our main objectives are:
– Establishment and development of IBS as a prestigious international centre for business training and qualification in line with the requirements of the national and European labour market.
– Internationalisation of training through the development of national and international partnerships with leading academic and business institutions and organisations.
– Creating opportunities for employment and professional realization of IBS graduates on the national and international market.
Creating a loyal community of IBS alumni and maintaining a tradition of close interaction with them.
We achieve these goals through the continuous development and improvement of the educational services provided by implementing Quality Management System, built according to ISO 9001:2015.
IBS is an internationally certified institution by Lloyds Register, UK (LRQA-Lloyds Register Quality Assurance).
- Certificate of Approval from Lloyd’s Register, UK.
Quality control documents: