The academic comprehensiveness of research areas of our lecturers’ research activities allows IBS to take its adequate place in dealing with up-to-date issues and problems of industries and business.
The modern methods and innovations are the indicators that characterize IBS approach to traditional and modern academic subjects. They are its must to meet the demands and challenges, set by the knowledgeable society and world globalization. IBS strives to internationally realize its activities by maintaining a stable platform of international publications, participation in national and international academic networks and organizations, to develop active publishing activities, organize conferences, support and stimulate lecturers’ individual academic collaboration with their colleagues worldwide.
The collaboration with business community at local, regional and national level is of essential importance for implementing IBS research experience into practice.
The collaboration with Bulgarian and foreign business communities is a leading strategy of IBS for applying academic programmes in compliance with business needs. We aim at collaboration in research activities, internationally oriented, participations in joint programmes and projects with our partners carrying out research and instruction activities in collaboration with leading companies and organizations.
The International Business School is a member of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria.
Main areas of research:
- Culture and heritage tourism
- Experience economy
- Innovation and entrepreneurship
- Public sector management
- Companies and their policies