Development and implementation of a model for assessing the innovation potential of global value chains as a basis for increasing regional competitiveness

Project: Development and implementation of a model for assessing the innovation potential of global value chains as a basis for increasing regional competitiveness Lead Partner: International business school Funding organization: National Science Fund, contract No КП-06-Н55/8 from 16.11.2021. Duration: from 16.11.2021 to 16.11.2024 Budget: 119 360 BGN. Project’s annotation: Relevance of the researched issues: The phenomenon of global value […]

BG05M2OP001-2.009-0032-C01 Pilot training for doctoral students in “Business Administration”, “Economics and Management – Industry” and “Economics and Management – Tourism” PhD programmes, and creating conditions for increasing the qualification and stimulating the career development of lecturers at the International Business School

BG05M2OP001-2.009-0032-C01 Pilot training for doctoral students in “Business Administration”, “Economics and Management – Industry” and “Economics and Management – Tourism” PhD programs, and creating conditions for increasing the qualification and stimulating the career development of lecturers at the International Business School Total value: BGN 166,329.10, of which BGN 141,379.74 European and BGN 24,949.36 national co-financing. […]
